Thursday, May 23, 2019


I have searched for you around,
I have searched for you beneath,
I have waited so long to feel you,
I have just earned some time to not let you go.
Isn't it just weird about everything happening around us,  we sacrifice certain things in our life so just as to earn more of the other side.
At times, I just feel like closing my eyes & remember what it felt like to be a careless soul at the age of 4. Things were so different back then. Expectations and reality didn't bother me so much back then. But, it couldn't stay any  long.
Then,  i chose for the cruel world of dreams. Once you step into it,  there's no going back honey.  I wish someone would have told me that but what difference does it make,  i mean there's no turning back anyway. You know what, this is what we call 'HUSTLE' to our so called modern life.  The world never falls short nor does the work. It's just you gonna keep going on and on,  there's no end to it until you reach the other side of the world... Right?!! 
Life's never gonna get enough of us nor does the time. But,  what keeps us going is just an ample amount of faith for the  people we want to make happy in our life.
We choose what we want to be either or the other way. Live for the day you want to, life's too short to live for the same day twice.. Just make things happen for a reason, count on & make the most of it. If one side of life has provided you the carpet of thorns to walk on,
then; remember the other side awaits you with a garden full of flowers 💮